Sunday, January 30, 2011

We Are Family ...

TAG of the Week:

The Nature article takes genetics and places Jews on a timeline through history and weaving them into ethnic and social groups that interacted with other peoples. Though the article does not provide a "historical explanation for the shared genetics", what value does this sort of information bear on us now in 2011? And why does this study follow Jews specifically on a genetic level? More broadly, why do genetics of a group of people matter through their movement in history? What applications from this knowledge of genetic flow of people carry to other disciplines (policy, technology, history, etc)? 

Click on link for the Nature Article:

Monday, January 24, 2011

What do we have to show for "it"?

TAG of the Week: 

" Genomics is a way to do science, not medicine" -- Dr. Harold Varmus, National Cancer Institute Director

Given the amount of time and money spent on the Human Genome Project, New York Times writer, Nicholas Wade, suggests that the research has accomplished little in the direction of developing treatments for genetically-linked diseases. While the genome project has produced disappointing results for medicine but the research has contributed much to basic science. Knowing that genetic variants contribute a small fraction to the onset of a disease, where else should we be looking for other answers? What could and could not be learned from the HapMap?

Click here for the NYT news article:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Magic DNA 8-Ball

TAG of the Week:
In 1946 the Magic 8-Ball was introduced - a toy to foretell events, to help make choices, and to seek advices. Today, many people still use the magical toy to help answer many life questions for fun or for serious guidance. Ask the Magic 8-ball a question and see the answer in the small window displaying one of the many dozen random messages such as "Yes",  "No",  "Certainly",  "Ask Again",  etc ... Proceed with life using your answer from the Magic 8-Ball.

The Figure below has an image of the double-helix DNA on the Magic 8-Ball window. 
What do you think is the meaning of this Magic DNA 8-Ball?