Predicting Our longevity
Can our telomeres tell us how long our natural lives will be? If so, at what point in our lives will they give the best estimate? These are some of the questions scientists are trying to answer with their animal studies. Through research, Professor Pat Monaghan says that telomere length can best predict our natural life span at a very young age. Let’s say this phenomenon was true in humans. In fifty years, do you think it could be a possibility that genetic testing could predict your life span? Do you think that if this kind of test was available, you would make your young child be tested? Why or why not? What kind of issues could this raise?
Think critically: when should the line be drawn on unnecessary genetic testing? If one of the goals of sequencing the genome was to provide better treatment in the clinical world, is our genetic knowledge and testing ability exceeding or going to exceed our clinical need?
Watch the video clip and read the associated article: